Harvest Feast

139_harvestFall is the best time of year considering the produce: Right now we are eating our own tomatoes, salad, zucchini, cucumbers, berries, mushrooms. My colleague provided me with a plastic bag full of apples, and now my jam shelf (yes there is such a place, or at least should be in a cupboard) is almost yielding under the weight of apple jam jars.

Compared to last year, our tomatoes have survived very well. Last year the summer wasn´t as warm, fall came early and the tomatoes rot in the rain.138_harvest This year the weather was favourable, so almost all of our tomatoes have a chance of maturing to their full redness.

The butternut squash (that funny looking orangeish thing in the picture…) is not our own, it is from the organic circle I told you guys about, so are the lemons. 140_harvestHaven’t tasted the squash yet, but I heard it is good. The mushrooms on the other hand are from a forest near Helsinki. I learned to spot some new mushroom species from my godmother. Let´s just hope that everything I picked is edible..

The seeds in the picture are from our only “spaghetti squash”, it is a species that is supposed to look like spaghetti when cooked. It did look different, like a lot of fibres were coming out of it after cooking. Next year we will try again!

Sorry all for not writing in a while, have been busy will all kinds of parties and trips. This season continues as busy as before, so the next time I post might be in a month or so. I´ll give you a holiday from my jam-high babblings!


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